What is GATE?

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)

The GATE exam for Architecture is like a catalyst for aspirants who are optimistic about taking admissions in M.Arch or any other engineering course at institutions like IIT, NIT, GFTI, IIIT, etc. Prestigious national-level exam that assesses candidates for comprehensive understanding in various undergraduate-level subjects in Architecture.

Conducting Authorities

Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2025


A candidate who is currently studying in the third or higher years of any undergraduate degree program or who has already completed any government approved degree program in Engineering / Technology /  Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts / Humanities is eligible to appear for GATE 2025.


Candidates who possess certification from any of the professional societies must ensure that those examinations are approved by MoE / AICTE / UGC / UPSC as equivalent to B.E./ B.Tech. / B.Arch. / B.Planning


Candidates who are pursuing their qualifying degree or obtained the degree from countries other than India must be currently in the third or higher years or must have completed their Bachelor’s degree (of duration at least 3 years) in Engineering / Technology / Science / Architecture / Humanities.


One of the appealing aspects of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is that there is no age restriction for candidates who wish to participate. This means that individuals of all ages, from recent graduates to seasoned professionals, have the opportunity to demonstrate their engineering knowledge and skills in a standardized and competitive environment.


Nationality: Indian nationals, as well as candidates from other countries, are eligible to apply for GATE. There is no nationality restriction.

Degree/Program Qualifying Degree/Examination Description of Eligible Candidates

B. Arch.

Bachelor’s degree of Architecture (5- year course) /Naval Architecture (4- year course)/ Planning (4- year course)

Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed


Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc./ Diploma in Engineering/Technology

Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed

Professional Society Examinations (equivalent to B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.)

B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. equivalent examinations of Professional Societies, recognised by MoE/UPSC/ AICTE  (e.g. AMIE by Institution of Engineers-India, AMICE by the Institute of Civil Engineers-India and so on)

Completed Section A or equivalent of such professional courses

GATE Test Papers


GATE 2025 will have a total of 30 test papers comprising full papers and sectional papers


Candidates have the option to appear for one or two test papers from the allowed two-paper combinations.


The GATE score obtained by the candidates will remain valid for a period of three years from the date of announcement of results.

GATE 2025 Two-Paper Combinations

The following table gives the codes of test papers allowed as the second paper for the candidate’s choice of the first paper. The combinations are subject to availability of infrastructure and scheduling constraints.

Code of the First Paper Codes of the Second Paper


CE (Civil Engineering)

GE(Geomatics Engineering)

Marks Distribution

Paper Code General Aptitude (GA) Marks Compulsory Section Subject Marks Total Marks Total Time* (Minutes)







Previous Year Question Paper

NOTE: Part A is Common and Compulsory for all; Part B1 or Part B2 can be selected during Exam. B1: Architecture or B2: Planning

Opportunities or scope


Candidates who qualify in GATE can seek admission with possible financial assistance to Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Architecture and planning.


Ph.D in relevant branches of Architecture and planning in institutions supported by Ministry of Education (MoE) and other Government agencies.


GATE score is also used by some colleges and institutions for admission to postgraduate programs without MoE scholarship.


Several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have also been using GATE score for recruitment.


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GATE (M.Arch)